Way back in 1991, we helped establish what would become the USDA organic standards, including how organic cows should be treated. Today, with a focus on compassion and cows’ quality of life, we’re going further. Here’s a very brief history of modern animal welfare in the U.S.
In the 1960s, animal welfare standards were based on the Five Freedoms. For some modern dairy farmers, these standards still influence how cows are treated.
When this act passed in 1990—with help from our founders–it paved the way for the National Organic Program to finalize organic regulations in 2002. Of course, we were already following those rules. Here are highlights:
We helped push for the USDA National Organic Program rule that requires organic cows to graze outside on organic pasture 120 days or more a year. Under the American Grassfed Association standard, grassfed organic cows must graze outside 150 days or more a year.
We employ Horizon Organic Cow Champions that travel to farms and help our farmers best support their cows.
We created a comprehensive Animal Welfare & Quality Program to include quality of life and enrichment.
We conduct regular animal welfare audits that are designed by third-party experts.