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Here are answers to questions we get a lot. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, please reach out.


What is lactose-free milk?

Lactose-free milk is simply milk that has the milk sugar (lactose) removed by either 1) adding an enzyme (lactase) that breaks down the lactose into its simple sugar components (glucose and galactose) or 2) using a filtration process (like ultra filtration) to completely remove the lactose from the fluid milk product. ​

Is lactose-free milk dairy free?

No, lactose-free products are not the same as dairy free products. Lactose-free products, especially lactose-free milk, may still contain dairy proteins. Someone who has a dairy allergy, which is different than lactose intolerance, should not consume lactose-free milks as they still contain dairy proteins. Learn more about lactose intolerance in this article.

Can I substitute lactose-free milk for regular milk in any recipe calling for milk?

Yes! You can substitute Horizon Organic Lactose-Free Milk anytime a recipe calls for milk without altering the desired flavor or texture of your dish. Try it in one of our delicious recipes.

Does lactose-free milk still provide the same nutritional benefits as milk?

Yes, our enzyme process does not remove the total sugars in the milk. Our process only breaks down the lactose into glucose and galactose, so the nutritional value of the organic lactose-free milk is identical to the "regular" organic milk.

How is lactose-free milk made?

Horizon Organic Lactose-Free Milk products are made using an enzyme process. We add lactase (enzyme) to the milk which breaks down the lactose into glucose and galactose, resulting in a lactose-free milk!


Are Horizon Organic® products okay for people with wheat and gluten allergies?

We make every effort to ensure that our products are free of wheat, wheat gluten, rye, oats, barley, and malt. While it’s virtually impossible to be certain that every product is 100% free of all gluten, our products are suitable for most people with wheat and gluten allergies. People with severe allergies should consult a doctor before introducing a new food.

What coloring is used in Horizon Organic American Cheese slices?

We use annatto to produce the orange color of our American slices. Annatto is a vegetable coloring made from the seeds of the annatto tree, which is also known as achiote.

Is animal rennet used in any Horizon Organic cheeses?

No. Our cheeses are 100% vegetarian because we use organic-approved microbial enzymes instead of animal rennet to help form the curds that turn into cheese.

Are the enzymes in Horizon Organic cheeses genetically engineered?

No. The organic-approved enzymes we use in our cheeses are not genetically engineered. We use microbial enzymes instead of animal rennet to curdle milk, which is part of the cheese-making process.

Are Horizon Organic products pasteurized?

Yes. Pasteurization is the process of heating milk or cream to help eliminate harmful bacteria and to increase shelf life. Except for our shelf-stable milk boxes, all our products are ultra-pasteurized (UP). It’s a very quick process—we bring the milk or cream to the appropriate temperature for several seconds, then plunge the temperature back down. For our shelf-stable milk boxes, we use ultra-high temperature (UHT) pasteurization. The milk is heated to a higher temperature for a few seconds and then put into special packaging, so it can be safely stored at room temperature until the expiration date. Pasteurization practices are standardized and regulated by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Is milk still considered organic if it’s homogenized? Why do you homogenize your milk?

Yes. Homogenized milk can still be organic. Homogenization is the process of breaking up and dispersing the fat in milk, which results in milk with a uniform texture. In unhomogenized milk, the fat rises to the top. Homogenization lets us offer a variety of milkfat levels, without impacting the milk’s organic qualities.

Is it safe to store Horizon Organic shelf-stable milk at room temperature?

Yes, go for it! It’s safe to store our shelf-stable milk unrefrigerated at room temperature, unopened, until the expiration date on the packaging. Its extended shelf life is possible thanks to ultra-high temperature (UHT) pasteurization and special packaging. Once you open it, the product must be refrigerated and can be expected to remain fresh up to seven days.


Please note that Growing Years milk is not intended to be used as infant formula or for children under one year old.

What is Growing Years milk?

Our Growing Years milk are made with specially selected nutrients for growing kids. We partnered with pediatricians to identify key nutrients for kiddos, so every serving of Growing Years delivers DHA Omega-3, choline, and prebiotics. Get more information on these products here.

How much DHA Omega-3, choline, and prebiotics are in a serving of Growing Years milk?

An 8-ounce glass of Growing Years milk has 50mg DHA Omega-3, 55mg choline and 1g prebiotics.

What is the source of the DHA in Growing Years milk?

We use plant-based and vegetarian sources of DHA Omega-3 in our products. Learn more about DHA here.

Was Growing Years products really developed with pediatricians?

Yes, it really was. The pediatricians we partnered with are MDs with a focus on pediatrics and nutrition research and have over 20 years in the field. We partnered closely with them to identify key nutrients for growing kids.

Are Growing Years products organic?

Yes. They’re certified organic by Quality Assurance International (QAI).

Are Growing Years products kosher?

Yes. They’re certified by Orthodox Union.

Are Growing Years products okay for kids with wheat and gluten allergies?

We make every effort to ensure that our products are free of wheat, wheat gluten, rye, oats, barley, and malt. While it’s virtually impossible to be certain that every product is 100% free of all gluten, our products are suitable for most people with wheat and gluten allergies. We recommend that you consult your healthcare provider when you are considering changing any aspect of a child’s diet.

Do Growing Years products contain carrageenan?

No. They’re made without carrageenan.

What is the difference between probiotics and prebiotics?

Probiotics are live bacterial strains that have been studied to have a health benefit. Prebiotics, often certain types of fiber, are a food source for the good bacteria in the gut.


What is the research behind DHA?

DHA has been evaluated for more than 15 years in over 100 pre-clinical studies and in over 100 human clinical studies. In total, they create an impressive database that establishes the safety of DHA. A growing body of scientific research suggests that DHA helps support brain and eye health.

How much DHA is in Horizon Organic shelf-stable milk boxes?

Horizon Organic Milk with DHA Omega-3 shelf-stable milk boxes have 32mg of DHA per 8-ounce package. In chocolate and vanilla, they offer all the nutrition of milk, including 8g of protein, vitamins A and D, and calcium, along with DHA omega-3 to help support brain health. You can store them safely in the pantry, so it’s easy to stock up for lunch boxes and on-the-go.

Are Horizon Organic products with DHA a replacement for breastfeeding or infant formula?

No. Our milk is not a replacement for breastfeeding or infant formula and should not be used as infant formula. We recommend that you consult your healthcare provider when you are considering changing any aspect of a child’s diet.

What is DHA?

Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) is a long-chain Omega-3 fatty acid that has been studied for its role in brain and eye health. Although it is found in most tissues throughout the body, the highest concentrations of DHA are in the brain, the nervous system, and the retina of the eye.

What is the difference between DHA from a vegetarian source and a fish source?

There’s no difference between vegetarian DHA Omega-3 from marine algae and DHA Omega- 3 from a fish source. Many people believe that fish produce their own DHA Omega-3, but fish actually get DHA Omega-3 from the marine algae they eat. Our DHA Omega-3 suppliers use a process that extracts DHA from algae, the fish's original source. Since it’s not harvested from fish, it doesn’t contribute to over-fishing.

What is the source of the DHA in Horizon Organic products?

Horizon Organic uses plant-based and vegetarian sources of DHA Omega-3 in its products.

Is the DHA in Horizon Organic products vegetarian?

Horizon Organic uses only vegetarian, plant-based DHA Omega-3. We believe this is better than sourcing DHA Omega-3 indirectly from fish. Plant-based DHA Omega-3 does not contribute to overfishing and is an option for vegetarians.

Is the DHA in Horizon Organic products organic?

The DHA used in our products is allowed for use in organic foods.

What does Horizon milk with added DHA taste like?

Horizon Organic Milk with DHA Omega-3 products have the delicious taste all Horizon Organic milk is known for. And that’s true for Growing Years milk too!


Why does Horizon milk last so long?

Because it’s pasteurized. Pasteurization is the process of heating milk or cream to help eliminate harmful bacteria and to increase shelf life. Our refrigerated milks are ultra-pasteurized (UP). It’s a very quick process—we bring the milk or cream to the appropriate temperature for several seconds, then plunge the temperature back down. For our shelf-stable milk boxes, we use ultra-high temperature (UHT) pasteurization. The milk is heated to a higher temperature for a few seconds and then put into special packaging, so it can be safely stored at room temperature until the expiration date.

How long can I keep Horizon Organic products after the date printed on the package?

The date on the package is called the best-by date. To ensure the highest quality and best tasting product, we always recommend using products by the date stamped on the container. Products opened before the best-by date should be refrigerated at all times and should stay fresh for approximately seven days after opening. Horizon shelf-stable products are specially processed to stay fresh for extended periods without refrigeration while unopened. Once opened, shelf-stable milk boxes must be refrigerated and can be expected to remain fresh for seven days.

What is the best way to store Horizon Organic milk?

To preserve freshness, milk should be stored between 33˚F and 40˚F, which is typical for a household refrigerator. Milk will spoil more rapidly if unrefrigerated for even a short amount of time. Every hour that milk is above 40˚F will decrease its shelf life by one day. (Our shelf-stable milk boxes can be stored safely at room temp unopened until the expiration date.)

Can I freeze Horizon Organic milk?

No. Freezing is not recommended for refrigerated milk, half-and-half or cream because it changes the consistency and texture. Milk that has been frozen and thawed in the refrigerator can be used in baking and cooking since it still has the same nutrition.


Do Horizon Organic shelf-stable milk boxes need to be refrigerated?

No. For real, no. Shelf-stable milk is packaged in individual aseptic containers and will keep safely at room temperature, unopened, until the expiration date. This extended shelf life is possible due to ultra-high temperature (UHT) pasteurization. UHT pasteurization and special aseptic packaging keep single serve products fresh and safe without refrigeration. Once opened, the product must be refrigerated and can be expected to remain fresh up to seven days.

Is it safe to store Horizon Organic shelf-stable milk at room temperature?

Yes. However, since most people are used to drinking refrigerated milk, we recommend that you refrigerate them if possible before serving. Once you open a milk box, it must be refrigerated and can be expected to stay fresh for seven days.

Should I remove the foil pull tab from my milk box?

If you want. Removing the pull tab is optional. A pull tab was added to our single serve milk boxes so you can enjoy the milk two ways. You can either push the straw through the foil tab, or you can remove the foil tab and drink straight from the package or pour the milk in a glass. Or on cereal, or whatever you like.


How is Horizon Organic milk packaged?

We make every effort to use packaging materials that are safe, responsibly sourced, and recyclable. We’re actively working towards using only paperboard for our cartons that’s certified by the Forest Stewardship Council. You can learn more at Visit the FSC website.

How can I recycle Horizon Organic milk packaging?

Our half gallon cartons, gallon jugs and aseptic single serve containers are all widely recyclable. Please follow the How2Recycle® instructions on the pack, and keep it out of the landfill. Find more details at


What does the USDA Organic seal mean?

Since October 21, 2002, all organic food must be certified to a single, unified national standard by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The USDA organic seal assures consumers of the quality and integrity of organic products. Organic-certified operations must have an organic system plan and records verifying compliance with that plan. These operations are subject to an annual inspection and spot checks to ensure they continue to meet strict standards.

Is Horizon Organic milk processed organically?

Yes, we work with certified organic processing and handling operations to manufacture and package our products, in addition to the organic farms where our milk is sourced. Each one is audited at least annually during an onsite organic inspection conducted by USDA-accredited certifying agent representatives or independent inspectors. Additionally, they regularly review site-specific organic certifications, policies, and procedures.


Where does Horizon Organic get its milk?

Horizon Organic milk comes from over 500 certified organic family farms.

How big are Horizon Organic’s partner farms?

The farms that provide our milk come in all shapes and sizes from every region of the country. The average herd size of a Horizon partner farm is 90 cows. Learn more our farmer partners.

How are Horizon Organic’s partner farms certified organic?

Each farm is required to demonstrate compliance with a site-specific organic system plan and National Organic Program standards. This is done via onsite monitoring, annual organic inspections by USDA-accredited certifying agent representatives or independent inspectors, and routine visits from our farmer support team.

Who certifies Horizon Organic’s partner farms to ensure they meet organic standards?

All organic farms must be certified by an independent, third-party certifier to ensure stringent USDA organic standards are met. Organic certification includes annual inspections and spot checks. Our farmer partners may choose from USDA accredited certifiers. Quality Assurance International (QAI) certifies Horizon's company-owned farm. Learn more about USDA standards.

What do Horizon Organic cows eat?

All Horizon Organic cows graze on certified organic pasture at least 120 days per year. When cows are not out on pasture, they are fed only organic, vegetarian feed that has been produced without the use of genetically modified grains or the use of prohibited herbicides or pesticides.

How often do Horizon Organic cows graze on pasture?

In compliance with USDA organic regulations, all Horizon Organic cows must graze on pasture for at least 120 days (or four months) per year. The grazing season varies depending on geographic region. Cows are required to have year-round access to the outdoors, shade, shelter, exercise areas, and direct sunlight. Fresh air and exercise are considered vital to a cow's health, even in the non-pasture season. Every one of our farmer partners is responsible for creating and adhering to a pasture management plan that is updated annually.

Does Horizon Organic use antibiotics on cows?

No. We don’t ever treat our cows with routine antibiotics. The use of antibiotics is strictly prohibited in organic dairy calves and cows, at all stages of life. If a calf or cow does become ill, we rely on natural and alternative methods as our preferred treatment. If organic-approved treatments aren’t successful, farmers can use antibiotics or prescribed synthetic medicine to help the animal return to good health. Milk from cows treated with antibiotics cannot be used for any organic product.

Does Horizon Organic use growth hormones on cows?

No. The use of added growth hormones rBST and rBGH is strictly prohibited for organic calves and cows.

What happens if a cow gets sick on an organic farm?

We take care of her! But we do our best to prevent illness in the first place and keep cows healthy with quality organic pasture grazing, high-forage diets, low-stress birthing, regular veterinary checkups, freedom of movement, and clean living conditions. These are all part of preventive health care. When a calf or cow does become ill, we rely on natural and alternative methods as our preferred treatment. The use of antibiotics is strictly prohibited, so if a sick animal cannot be restored to full health with organic-approved treatments, we may administer antibiotics or other prescribed synthetic medicines. However, when antibiotics or other prohibited materials are administered, the animal is no longer considered organic and is permanently removed from the herd. We always consider the well-being of our animals first and never allow an animal to suffer.

Are cows produced by cloning technology considered organic?

No. Cloned animals cannot be considered organic under National Organic Program regulations. Horizon Organic does not allow cloned animals on its partner farms.


Is Horizon Organic milk good?

Yes, we sure think so! Horizon cows spend at least 120 days grazing on pasture each year. They eat organic, non-GMO feed and are not treated with antibiotics or added growth hormones.

Where is Horizon Organic milk made?

We partner with over 500 farmers from sunny California to the rolling hills of New York to make Horizon Organic milk.

Who makes Horizon Organic products?

Horizon Organic is part of Horizon Organic Dairy, LLC. Horizon’s mission is to bring health through food to as many people as possible.

Where is Horizon Organic headquartered?

The brand got its start in Boulder, Colorado, in 1991. Our headquarters is now located in nearby Broomfield, Colorado. Organic family farms are the heart of Horizon, coming from sunny California to the rolling hills of New York.

Always organic.
Tried-and-true delicious.

Fair Hill Farms

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